
Showing posts from December, 2012

India #1

My first mission is to do some hotel shopping for a few days in the future. 1st step, Starbucks- not to plug such a beast of a company, but in non - western country it's like this peaceful oasis of toilet paper, real lattes AND most importantly, free wifi! :) I found spots to stay and called them and then walked around Colaba without consulting any of the places I spoke with :) Backup.... I should have started with the taxis! Whoa! Street lanes are optional! It's so exciting and Ruby's mom would have a fit because none of the taxis have seat belts. Luckily my training in Shanghai set me up for success! The taxis are super cheap too!  After checking out hotels, I was off to the museum, so obviously I spent the afternoon shopping! It started by trying on these ridiculous beaded, no not beaded, they are fake jewels and they are in these elaborate designs with sleeves that hang like wizard's sleeves.  So I think these are for Muslim parties, and they look something...