Tiny Visitor

Surprise! What did Talie and Ms. Sequitur find? HA I meant Ms. NON-Sequitur of course....

How exciting, a teeny tiny (or tee-niny as my Grandma B says) little critter. A baby gecko is gracing her presence on my keyboard.

Check out this amazing video footage taken immediately upon noticing the gecko/lizard/cold blooded animal:

PS: I made it to work today. I continue to do a Christian Cross each time I arrive somewhere. If anyone knows another religious type sayings I can do or say when I am safe, I would appreciate it. I'm not sure if Jesus and I are vibing. 



KXJ said…
You can always thank St. Jude, the Patron Saint of lost causes... :) and, I totally know what you mean. Twice I have turned into oncoming traffic and yelled at myself for 5 minutes, trying to reinforce which side of the street to turn onto. Fortunately, not cars were around when I did but if there were, I'd be in trouble.
Anonymous said…
Just checking out the blog and getting lots of information with U-Harv. "Too bad your half-way around the world, but you look like you're doing great!" Keep us posted on what's going on!

Cousin Q
Wendell said…
I love the lizard!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
The lizard is SO cute!!!! I couldn't get the video to work though.

My only issue is that the photo doesn't look like you're actually LOOKING at the tiny lizard. WTF. :) Just KIDDING!!!
Katie said…
Say this 3 times before you go out the door in the morning, or you can just repeat it while you drive:
"Een illaha beenasee la rah-ufu raheem."
Alyssahen said…
You and Leo are two peas in a pod. He loves the geckos! We go on a 'gecko walk' most nights before bed. If he doesn't see one, he says 'gecko sleepy'. Let me know when you're coming for a visit! xoxoxo

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