The Bug Report

No gnats lately, BUT there was a MONSTER centipede thing in my bathroom last night that kept disappearing on me. I saw it, then I ran for a piece of paper. When I came back it had disappeared but I knew it would come back and decided that the paper didn't have enough power. So when I saw it again, I ran back out for a shoe. Came bug!! So, my heart was racing and I was like opening the medicine cabinet really fast and whipping a towel at the mirror...and then...I saw it on the wall below. I wacked it with my shoe and it died! :) Non-Seq 1-Bugs 0

AND Will someone please tell me how I can shave my legs when they are covered in mountanous, ginormous red mosquito hills, I mean bites. JEEEZ I'm trying to go into a zen place, so that when I feel all the itching, I close my eyes and think about warmth. Then I end up scratching the hell out of 1 or 2 of them, just for the fun of it.



Wendell said…
Next time take a picture of the bug!
Sorry to hear about the mosquito bites.


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