I went I went...

to a real honest to goodness Badger Football game! It's a miracle! (I hate to admit it, but it was even...sort of...dare I say...FUN!??!! :)

Here are some shots of the good times !!

I also need to post this lovely self portrait of KTZ and myself on our date night last week!

Hugs and kisses to all, keep on spreading the love!
Ms. Non-Sequitur


Wendell said…
ha ha, you're totally a sports fan.
Marite said…
Hey- I hate watching sports as much as the next...well, as much as you, but I will say that going to live games is fun. But let's be honest- that is because you get to be with friends, drink, watch the big screens with all the exciting writing, watch the cheerleaders, etc- it doesn't really have anything to do with the sport now does it? ;)

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