Peanut Butter Cup Challenge

The challengers:

Reese's Peanut Butter Cup VERSUS Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Cup

First of all, these pictures are misleading, in the one below I look unsure about the Reeses, even though it was joy in my mouth. Also, there is a mole on my face in all of these pictures, just in case you were wondering. 

So yeah it was pretty good! Now for the TJ's...

You can assume from my smile below that I liked the TJ's one better, which at first I thought was the case....but then after more subsequent testing, there was something truely unique and salty about the chemically enhanced Reese's. The TJ's PB but was definitely richer, creamier and I'm sure more "healthy" but it's hard to fight years of gut loving Reese's peanut butter cups. I subsequently tasted both types on several more occasions. 

Final Answer:  The winner is MY BELLY!! I would happily eat either type of peanut butter cup!!!

Ms. Non-Sequiter


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