I Am A Genius

This post is titled I Am A Genius because as the Domestic Nemesis, I managed to do the best thing imaginable...marry a Domestic MASTER. My Darling likes to do things like:


Shine the bathroom faucet

and make the bed

All things which are my foes! He attacks cleaning head-on, like it's fun or something!? :) He is the perfect foil to my domestic nemesisery!!

Here's what I did. I was trying to use the wet swifter or swiffer (?) and I thought you were supposed to rip these things off-- for no reason other than they look I should rip them off--  I guess I thought there would be something sticky underneath them. I was wrong.

Luckily, my keen intellect reminded me to put some packing tape on it so it would stick! Like this:

I don't know...those kind of looks like giant maxi pads. But I digress.

Also, as a part of my vows, I promised to make dinner every Monday night! I suspect many more posts related to this fact. Often I actually do make dinner. But today I was taking a class- so there was no way I was going to have enough energy to like...cook. (how do people cook every day? Seriously, 1 day a week almost kills me!) Instead, we went to Concerts at McKee which The Madison Music Foundry sponsors. (If you don't know, My Darling, has a special connection with The Madison Music Foundry Anyway, so for dinner, I made him something really special!!

Here is an inaccurate recreation of our conversation:

Ms. Non-Sequitur: Here's $20, you can get whatever you want at the food carts and beer tent!
MD: Whoo hoo, whatever I want?
NS: Yes what EVER you want!

My only regret is that I didn't do any more than that! Like...I didn't even wait in line for him!
Here he is waiting in line. He's sort of blending into the cart

 WOW!! What a meal I prepared...Korean BBQ!! YUM I'm such a fantastic cook!!

That's all for today!! Have a good one!
Ms. NS


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