I MADE THE SOUP- K's Lentil Soup

I asked facebook for EASY and TASTY soup recipes and wow, did my people come through!  Welcome to my my new "I MADE THE SOUP!" series!  I will score the soups from 1-10 on how Easy and Tasty they are and then rank them. 

#1 K's Lentil Soup Recipe. This first one is hard because I have nothing to compare it with. I guess I could compare it with Grandma's Chili- because it's pretty much the only soup I've made in the last 5 years-actually I don't think I've made it in the last 5 years because MMD cooks the chili. 

Anyway...brown the meat, cut the veggies... add the spices...probably noodles....Okay, Grandma's Chili:      Easy: 7 and Tasty 6. 

K's Lentil Soup:

Easy 6 (time factors heavily on this score, also, there wasn't much chopping but there were two pans and the whole immersion blender thing and adding toppings....doing everything in order etc etc.)

Tasty 8 (the lemon gave it a nice zing...the dish really came together with the rice, spinach and sour cream...)

This picture is also a game!! Can you spot the HAIR?

I forgot to check if we had cilantro until right before I was supposed to put it in the pan! Magically, it was there!!!

This was maybe my 2nd time using an immersion blender. It was easier than expected, but was still a device that needed washing.  Also, please notice the clean pan behind the pot. I was trying to be efficient, so I washed the onion pan - I was supposed to cook the spinach in there- Don't worry the spinach turned out boring but okay!

The whole process took exactly 1 hour. 
That's too long for an "easy recipe." BUT  Upon a second try, I bet I could do it faster and it would certainly be easier!! :)

Here's Lil' Squirrel eating some chicken nuggets. 
Not eating my soup.

And for the win!

Well, there you have it!! In the soup rankings, this Lentil Soup is #1

Have a great day!
Ms. Non-Sequitur


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