Soup #2

OKAY Folks, time to review soup #2,  Zuppa Toscana in my I MADE THE SOUP series. 

First, we shall inspect this screen shot. "Prep: 15 minutes" that is complete bullshit. 

This is a picture of some ingredients

The bacon.

Me burning my fingers cutting the bacon that I was supposed to cut before I cooked it. 

This picture is boring. I ran out of this broth stuff, but my super husband had a back-up in the pantry. 

The soup before the cream!

And the family review


Well, this soup was really good. But, it was pain to do the kale and to cut the potatoes even though I shorted both..5 cups of kale (I was supposed to do 6 and 5 potatoes, also supposed to be 6.) What else, I added extra red pepper cause I thought it would be fun, but it was almost too hot.  I had some other complaints, but luckily I've forgotten them by now because the SOUP WAS SO GOOD.

EASY:  like a 5. 
Clocking in at an hour and 15 minutes, it took too long for me and had a lot of extra bowls to wash in general. I don't even know where they came from.
TASTY: heck, a 10! It WAS REALLY GOOD.

Since you made it this far, how about Lil' Squirrel and the gingerbread cookies he wanted to make. (I won't get into the sprinkle drama-there's more than the video shows :) The good news is that he loved the cookies even though they had a strong gingery flavor! 

Ms. Non-Sequitur


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