What Day is it today?

Oh yeah.. FRIDAY! Whoo hooo. Want to hear about some gross things that I've done??

1) I picked up this hair band (much to The Raj's horror) from the parking lot cement and put it in my pocket. About an hour later... I PUT IT IN MY HAIR. Gross, but I lose hair rubber bands all the time, I felt like it was just like the world giving back to me.

2) I've been picking all the skin off my thumb-- it hurts and sometimes it bleeds. Its so stoopid. Actually it looks okay today because a bunch of new skin grew back.

3) I can't think of any more gross things at the moment, but I do want to draw to your attention that Australians say the word Haich for the letter H. Isn't that cool? It would sure make it easier when little kids are learning phonics.

Ms. Non-Sequitor


Anonymous said…
Sorry I missed you at the party. I did that with a hair-thing once, it's okay, as long as you check it beforehand for lice...getting lice is the worst.

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