
blah blah blah.
zin dijw dog wloing cling slietn coh
oih owie ldjf vni kdhgf
dihf slidf jm
coih kj pwoe wpoe

Sometimes it's fun when random typing actually produces some words. (see "cling" above)

This paper (#2) is making me crazy! thank god I only have TWO MORE to DO. When will this madness be OVER? Oh yeah, May 16th!!!!

The good news is that I applied for a job at the cutest little coffee house near my house! I'll let you know if I got the job. They are going to have beer and wine soon too, which means I can booze while I work. Just kidding. And a little patio with tables and food- so I can be a waitress too. Won't that be fun? You can all come down to my shop and I'll take 10 cents off your coffee :)
Although, what if the coffee machine explodes while I'm trying to make a double mocha latte and metal and shards of glass poke me in the eye? No. That would be silly.
This picture was taken in Shanghai when it was FREEZING in our apartment and I was watching tv with that hat on. Anyway, it speaks to my current misery.
Ms. Non-Sequitur


Wendell said…

Boredom boredom boredom come visit me at work.

Katie said…
Please stop talking about things poking you in the eye. You know I have problems with that!
Anonymous said…
Gina, that picture scares me! -Mel Doll
Oh MelDoll, it scares me too!! I laughed so hard though after I took it. It was taken with the timer, so I set it all up and then tried to make the most horrible face I could! Thanks for the note though!
Anonymous said…
gina that is great you will be working at a coffee shop, I will totally come visit you. I am off coffee at the moment, drinking water only and trying to detox since saturday night. I'm still behind on homework also. Damn I can't wait until this next week & a half is over for us.

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