Completed: 1st year of Grad School

Finally I am at peace and dreaming of this beach. I'm sitting on the sand, soaking up the sun and thinking about about absolutely nothing. NOTHING. My mind is completely blank.


Now for the BIG news.... Sunny D is pregnant and I'm allowed to tell! Look how cute she is, and her husband so dashing....their baby will be a adorable for sure :) Congratulations to the proud parents to be!

Signing out,
Ms. Non-Sequitur


Anonymous said…
OHHH, how sweet Gi-Gi! Cute pics of us- thanks for giving us props! Anyone who wants to volunteer babysitting service, feel free! haha SunnyD
Katie said…
Yay! Sunny D!!! I'm so happy for you guys!
Wendell said…
Yay for Gina and yay for the new parents to be!

Plus one pinch for Gina!
Hob Gadling said…
Congratulations SunnyD and C!

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