Some Household Tips

Helpful Household Tip #1
When making your bed, lie in your bed and put the blankets by the pillows. Then re-fluff the sheet, add the blankets on top and you've made your bed without walking around or barely exerting any energy at all! This is best done right before you go to sleep, definitely NOT in the morning.

It is not necessary to wash your water glass out every time you use it. Feel free to re-fill it with water for at least a week. THEN you can wash it and chose a different glass so the other glasses don't feel useless.

When sweeping, go around all the objects on the floor, nobody looks under the couch anyway, and it lets the dust bunnies procreate!

Dusting? What's that?

Throw lots of dinner parties! They are really the only good reason for cleaning your house!
As shown by the picture below!


me! said…
Another tip:
Only eat delivery. That way you never dirty your dishes, you just fill up the landfills with plastic.
HA! Good one.

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