Pretty Flowers and a Broken Mug

It was the BritCan's idea to take this photo the pink against the blue sky! So the credit goes to him. The flowers are really starting to get exciting here. I have a whole bunch of shots of the ones in my backyard. We have a day off tomorrow because of the elections. There's this talk of riots, but it's still pretty calm where I am, just like this picture.  FYI the opposition party is in the lead and that's kind of exciting here.

There is this organic cafe farm place and this is a shot of the garden. Maybe you foodies will see something of interest in there.

This picture represents Zambian quality. :) Teasing. BUT seriously, some of the stuff here isn't very...good? This mug broke when I was drying it with a towel. OR I basically have some super human strength :)
I want to post some more pictures and stuff, but I left the camera connector thing and school and now since we don't have school tomorrow, I probably won't be able to post again until Sunday! BOOM

Hugs everyone, keep writing me e-mails once in a while! I always write back and I love hearing about what's going on back home!

Ms. Non-Sequitur!


R said…
Liking the Boom usage. Thanks for posting to facebook.. it reminded me to go catch up on reading your posts.

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