
Showing posts from October, 2011


Whoa! What a cool place this Mutinondo  was!  It is is a woodland, wilderness area NORTH EAST of Lusaka about 10 hours by bus. (Sorry about the yelling, that is a little shout out to my friend, you know who you are) (Also,  let me know if the link doesn't work) There were these gorgeous look-out points and mountains....well, large granite hills, but they were steep enough and we climbed up 2 of them. It took about 30 minutes to get to the top of each.  In the top video I'm reaching the top of the mountain!  You can hear our cool driver Mr. K cheering? :) me on!  These photos are in no order exactly, but I'll talk a little about each one! I think this one is on top of the first mountain, called Charlie's Rock This is horse poop (I know you are supposed to say scat in the wilderness, but I think horse poop is funnier. The place has some horses that we didn't ride) The view. Whoa. A little creature roaming around. He was furry and I wonder ...

Tiny Visitor

Surprise! What did Talie and Ms. Sequitur find? HA I meant Ms. NON-Sequitur of course.... How exciting, a teeny tiny (or tee-niny as my Grandma B says) little critter. A baby gecko is gracing her presence on my keyboard. Check out this amazing video footage taken immediately upon noticing the gecko/lizard/cold blooded animal: PS: I made it to work today. I continue to do a Christian Cross each time I arrive somewhere. If anyone knows another religious type sayings I can do or say when I am safe, I would appreciate it. I'm not sure if Jesus and I are vibing.  BIG HUGS Non-Sequitur!