Less than a week

Well, It's time to put some more pictures on this thing! Why not? So here some from my goodbye party. I'm leaving in less than a week now. Crap time goes fast.

The little girl is the first pic is, well, we'll call her Lil' M.  I forgot the nickname I used to use for H in the second... She brought out a cake as "Africa" by Toto was on the tunes, everyone was singing it and it brought tears to my eyes. I think I'll call her HA because she makes me laugh :) Anyway, she also bought/brought the map in the background. I thought we needed a map since no one knows where Zambia is! Everyone signed it and wrote sweet messages. Except A and C who made a "dirty" picture, which was also quite charming :)

Currently, I'm kickin' it at the homestead, seeing family before I leave. I've got 4 bags packed and I've mailed 3 boxes of school books. There's a few more things on the list,including purchasing a special item which I shant name here.

And a side pic of some buddies at the Ratt. Awww



Anonymous said…
Love it. But miss you mucho already!


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